Beauty and Truth have a home here.
And so do you.
What we offer:
Visit our blog which is dedicated to all things Catholic: theology, culture, news, praxis, and most importantly—sacred music & liturgy. Beauty and truth find their home here, no more to be maligned or apologized for. We believe that the perennial teaching and Traditions of Holy Mother Church deserve to be celebrated and proclaimed with joy. Join us in our endeavor to restore all things in Christ and educate souls about the true Catholic faith.
Serviam Scores Catalogue
Browse our catalogue of available scores & learn about our process. Long-gone are the days of poor-quality internet scores; our scores are engraved to the highest standard with the same care and attention once given by traditional hand-engravers a century ago. Same craft; new tools. You will find new editions of various beloved sacred works as well as a wealth of psalmody and much more—all anchored in the centuries-old traditions of beautiful Catholic liturgical music as well as fine engraving. This is also the home of the sacred music of James J. Richardson.
YouTube Videos
Visit our Serviam Scores YouTube channel to view the catalogue of over 800 practice videos available for free for cantors & choirs. Psalms, Gospel Acclamations, Sacred Motets, Chants, and more are presented in beautiful fashion replete with animated score and individual voice parts soloed out for quicker learning. New videos are added weekly, so check back often, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!