FREE SCORE: Memento Verbi Tui Servo Tuo
A perennial favorite of mine, the Antiphonarium pro Ecclesia Einsidlensi serves as one of my primary sources when it comes to adapting ancient chants into English. This manuscript dated “before 1314” is exceptionally clear in its notation, suitably ancient in its provenance, and yet densely filled with antiphons not always found in other codices.
Desiring to sing more elevated chant this week, I checked the ApEE and was pleased to find that the communion antiphon for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time was presented in full:
Click HERE to view the original in full.
To my delight, I found that it adapted rather well into the Douay-Rheims traditional translation, so today I present you all with a free score of this transcription, paired with four additional verses from Psalm 118. This score is free to share / perform.
As you can see, a nearly 1:1 adaptation was possible:
As is my custom, I’ve created a practice track of this antiphon which has been posted to YouTube, as well as a dedicated practice track repository page which includes a streamable MP3, in case you want to avoid the YouTube ads.
Please share this with your friends and colleagues so that it might be sung! The content of this antiphon is sufficiently general that it could be used as an ad libitum chant at many liturgies.