ServiamScores FB page now live!

Alright friends… while I’m no luddite, I’ve long stayed away from Social Media. The result is that there has been no presence for this apostolate in places where there should have been. But, no more! Check out the ServiamScores FB page and follow us there as well (pretty please).

I will be cross-posting links to this blog, as well as our YT vids, free scores, etc. etc. so now it will be even easier for you to find out about our latest offerings. I will also be able to re-post things there that have been produced in previous liturgical cycles, but are relevant for the current liturgical week (things like Fr. Weber practice videos that don’t pop up in your feed anymore, but would be helpful for the current week).

Please follow us on FB, and when the mood strikes you, share the content too! That will really help this apostolate grow. I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made so far (YT now has 1,300 subscribers!) but we could stand to grow a little more.

Pax et bonum,


Truth, Fact, or Fiction? Cdl. Dolan’s take on the Mass


Free setting of Salmo 102 (103)