24th in OT (B • 2024)

Greetings all—
And happy first Sunday of choir season! Woohoo! Below you will find a list of this weekend’s ordo, as well as links to practice tracks and embedded MP3’s. Avail yourselves of whatever is helpful to you, so you can sing with confidence on Sunday.

Warmups will be in the loft at 8:45am. This weekend, we will just dress in “Sunday best” rather than worrying about robes.

  1. Prelude: Saint Michæl the Archangel Prayer

  2. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: Give peace to those who wait for You to the tune ERHALT UNS HERR.

  3. Entrance Antiphon: Give peace, O Lord, …

  4. Kyrie & Gloria from Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea by Michæl Olbash

  5. Psalm 116: I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

  6. Alleluia ‘cum Magnificat’ (verse for the 24th Sunday)

  7. Offertory Hymn: When Morning Gilds the Skies (to LAUDES DOMINI / Barnby)

  8. Sanctus & Agnus Dei by Olbash

  9. Communion Antiphon [Motet]: Take Up Thy Cross by yours truly

  10. Communion Hymn: Wondrous Love that Cannot Falter to the tune IRBY

  11. Recessional Hymn: Take Up Your Cross to JERUSALEM

Entrance Hymn MELODY (different text)



Psalm (Click here for YouTube playlist)

Alleluia: (Click here for YouTube Playlist)

Offertory Hymn:


Agnus Dei:

Communion Antiphon / Motet:

NB: there are timestamps in the video description for individual voice parts.

Communion Hymn: Wondrous Love that Cannot Falter to IRBY:

Recessional Hymn MELODY (alternate text):


25th in OT (B • 2024)


Tolle et Canta! (Fall 2024 Signups)