26th in OT (A • 2023)
Hi Friends— Here’s our Ordo for this weekend.
PS: There is more than one way to engage with these practice tracks. The first is to simply listen. This is good to help you get your part in your ear, but that can only take you so far. The second is to actually sing along with them. This helps you synthesize making your muscles do the right thing at the right time.
There are many pieces of organ music that I “know” aurally, but not physically to play. Make sure you don’t only passively listen, with the end result being you don’t actually know how to sing your part!
PPS: for an extra gold star, don’t merely sing along with your own part—sing along with one of the other parts, so you don’t have anyone covering your part in your ear. For example, after you’ve learned your part and you’re an Alto, try singing along with the tenor or bass track and see how you get on. The results may surprise you!
Lastly—I’ve included the mp3’s for most things below, if you don’t want to deal with YouTube adds. Below the list of mp3’s is an embedded YT video. The video that is displayed is the SATB version of whatever the piece is, but it is an embedding of the playlist, so you can cycle through the list of videos by clicking on the little three-line icon in the upper right (at least on PC’s)
Warmups are in the church basement!
Warmups are in the church basement! 〰️
Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune of Ebenezer (same as last week). (Link)
Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1532 (option iii) (mp3 below)
Psalm 25: “Remember Your mercies, O Lord.” (mp3’s also linked below)
*New Gospel Acclamation!* “Alleluia VI”
*New* Offertory Hymn: At the Name of Jesus to King’s Weston (Link) (second, slower track, good for learning)
Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1541 (Link)
Communion Anthem: Ecce Panis by Perosi
Communion Hymn: Wondrous Love that Cannot Falter to Irby. (Link)
Salve Regina (simple tone)
Recessional Hymn: O Glorious St. Michæl to Ellacombe (a.k.a “I Sing the Mighty Power of God”) **this means we will NOT sing the St. Michæl prayer before Mass!**