2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)

  1. St. Michael the Archangel Prayer

  2. Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune ELLACOMBE

  3. Introit: (see below)

  4. Gloria: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Olbash

  5. Psalm: 96 “Proclaim His marvelous deeds to all the nations.”

  6. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia IV

  7. Offertory Antiphon (see below)

  8. Offertory Hymn: All Praise to Thee, O Lord, to SWABIA

  9. Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Olbash

  10. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #991

  11. Communion Hymn: Realms of Light Were Seen in Vision to the tune PICARDY (*we will sing our special arrangement by Holst)

  12. Recessional Hymn: The Church’s One Foundation to AURELIA

NB: each voice part is timestamped in the description (all in one video).

MP3’s below:


Our Communion Hymn is this arrangement by Holst that we have sung a few times, albeit with an alternate text.



3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)


Baptism of the Lord (C • 2025)