4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A • 2023)
Hello Friends‚
Here’s our ordo for this weekend, which will be a little different from our normal routine. Chief among the changes are the facts that our psalm will be melody-only (based on Office Psalm Tone 3a) and there will be no particular choral anthem (as we are combining this with the offertory “hymn” which is Anglican chant).
Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune ‘MERTONA’ which is a trope of another well-known tune with some additions appended to the end.
Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1029 (Option iii!)
Kyrie from Missa de Angelis with Olbash Gloria
Psalm 146: Blessed are the poor in spirit…
‘Alleluia de Angelis’
Offertory: The Beatitudes as set to an anglican chant tone that is modeled on James O’Donnell’s Psalm 139 (all masses) NB: There are demo mp3’s of each voice part below.
Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1038
Communion Hymn: Blest are the humble souls that see (The Beatitudes) as paired with VENI CREATOR
Alma Redemptoris Mater