Advent IV (C • 2024)
Greetings all—
Here’s our ordo for Advent IV.
Don’t forget, we have our final rehearsal for Christmas on Monday evening.
Ordinary: Missa XVII (click here for comprehensive practice tracks / videos)
Entrance [Antiphon] Hymn: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus to STUTTGART
Entrance Antiphon: “Let the clouds rain down the Just One and the earth bring forth a Savior.” (Source & Summit)
Psalm: 80 “Lord, make us turn to You; let us see Your face and we shall be saved.” PLAYLIST
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia ‘Regem Venturum’ (Major)
Offertory Antiphon: “Hail Mary…” (Simple English Propers) LINK
Offertory Hymn: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming, LINK
Communion Antiphon: “Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and His name will be called Emmanuel.” (Fr. Weber #86)
Communion Motet: Ecce Virgo Concipiet LINK
Communion Hymn: Oh! What Light and Glory to PIUS PATER (see below)
Post Communion Anthem: Like the Dawning (Selner, arr. JJR) LINK
Recessional Hymn: Come Thou, Redeemer of the Earth to O HEILAND REISS
Entrance Antiphon Hymn: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Here is a full playlist of all voice parts.