Ash Wednesday (2025)

Greetings all—

As a reminder, mass will be at 5:30pm. I know that this is an awkward time; just get there when you can, and we will do the best we can with whoever we have. I will be in the loft by 5pm to warmup with those who are able to come ahead of time.

I also hope to do some minimal prep for the following Sunday (Lent I) after Mass with those who can stick around a few extra minutes. This will be—by necessity—a rather minimal affair, and we will just do what we can.

NB: I’ve created a dedicated “2025 Lenten Resources” page which has many of our motets all in one convenient place.

  1. Entrance Antiphon: You are merciful to all, O Lord…
    *NB: we will only chant the antiphon.

  2. [No Kyrie, because the Penitential act is omitted, since the distribution of ashes takes its place, and no Gloria, since it is omitted for all of Lent.]

  3. Psalm 51: Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.

  4. Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Salvation, glory, and power, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  5. Distribution of Ashes:
    The Choir will go down for ashes immediately during the first two antiphons, cutting to the front of the line like during communion.

    1. Antiphon 1: Fr. Weber JJR

    2. Antiphon 2: Fr. Weber JJR

    3. Antiphon 3: Dele, Domine, Iniquitatem Meam – English transcription of the chant from the Graduale Simplex (see below). Men chant odd verses, women chant even verses.

  6. Offertory Hymn: O Lord, You Gaze with Mercy (PASSION CHORALE)

  7. Ordinary (a.k.a. “Mass Parts”): Missa Simplex (Mass XVIII)

  8. Communion Antiphon: He who ponders the law of the Lord…
    *NB: the antiphon is in the worship aid for all to sing.

  9. Communion Motet: Exaltabo Te, Domine – JJR, 2025 (see below)

  10. Communion “Hymn”: Parce Domine (harmonized chant with cantored verses)

  11. Recessional Hymn: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (ST. FLAVIAN)

Entrance Antiphon

(Source: Source & Summit Missal)

  • Psalm: 51 “Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.”

Distribution of Ashes:
I will chant the first two antiphons from Fr. Weber while the choir receives ashes, and then we will chant the english transcription of Dele, Domine, iniquitatem meam (“Blot out, Lord, all my iniquities.”) with men on odd verses and women on even.

Offertory Hymn Tune


(only if intoned by the priest)


(Source: Source & Summit Gradual)


2025 Lenten Resources


8th in OT (C • 2025)