Corpus Christi
Greetings all,
We have an exciting roundup for the Feast of Corpus Christi!
First, our Mass music:
Entrance Hymn: In Thy True Presence Here (eucharistic text with the hymn tune linked below)
Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1749 (immediately after the entrance hymn / during incense)
Psalm: 116 • “I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.”
(Weirdly, this was the best version I could find. I’ll make a different one for next year.)
Offertory Antiphon: Simple English Propers (printout)
Communion Antiphon: Simple English Propers (worship aid)
Communion Motet “Hymn”: Anima Christi by Marco Frisina. The melody of the refrain is printed in the worship aid for people to sing along.
At the end of Mass we have a special procedure: Father will first purify the sacred vessels whilst we sing the Frisina, and then he will place the pyx into the mostrance on the altar. He will then return to the presider’s chair where he will say the closing prayer. At that time he will proceed to vest in a cope (cape) and humeral veil (special shoulder shroud that he uses to pick up the monstrance) whilst we sing the familiar hymn O Salutaris Hostia. (We will sing this version which is slightly different than you are used to.) The procession will then begin and we will follow him out of the church.
We will alternate with the Hispanic choirs singing between stops of the procession. We will sing the following works during the procession:
Adoro Te Devote plainchant (you can sing this in your sleep!)
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum — make sure you prepare if you weren’t at rehearsal Wednesday, since we will sing it a cappella. I will start it by intoning the melody of the refrain, which we will then repeat à la psalm and then proceed to alternate with the chanted verses. Remind me to give you notes about lifts in the verses Sunday morning.
Upon returning into the church, Father will lead us in chanting the Tantum Ergo. Then we’ll be done! Please leave your folders in the cabinet if you can, and return any copies of Fr. Weber that you have. I need to take inventory to see which books are missing. We will reconvene for an informal choir Sunday later in June, but we’ll enjoy a couple of weeks off until then.
If anyone would like to cantor, let me know!