Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas) 2025
Greetings all—
I’m very much looking forward to singing with you this weekend, for this special feast! After speaking with Fr. Creagan, we’ve decided to have the choir participate in the procession, so you will all convene downstairs by the Marian side altar preceding Mass.
Here is our ordo:
[JJR makes announcement before Mass about how the procession works.]
Opening Procession:
JJR chants “Behold our Lord will come…” while candles are being dispersed and lit. (You are encouraged, of course, to grab a candle.)
The Priest blesses candles and afterwards chants “Let us go forth in peace.” to which all respond “In the name of Christ, Amen.”
Procession begins down Marian side aisle and back up the center aisle. Choir leads the chanting of “Lumen ad revelationem…” with men chanting the verses in schola. **Men remain in place at the back of the center aisle to continue uninterrupted the chanting while the rest of the procession continues. (ie-Do not stop singing to go up the back steps.)
Lumen ad revelationem… stops the moment the priest crosses the threshold where the communion rail should be. At this point, JJR chants “Your merciful love…” (the Introit) and remaining schola members ascend to the loft.
Gloria begins immediately after the introit concludes. There is no penitential act (Lord, have mercy… etc.) since the opening rites supersede it.
Psalm 24, “Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord.” (playlist)
Alleluia IV
Offertory Antiphon: “Graciousness is poured out on your lips…” (see below)
Offertory Hymn: In His Temple Now Behold Him (ST. THOMAS)
Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1853 (see below)
Communion Anthem: Nunc Dimittis by Charles Wood in unison until ‘Amen’. (link)
Communion Hymn: Joy! Joy! the Mother Comes (LAUDES DOMINI [Barnby] a.k.a. When Morning Gilds the Skies)
Recessional Hymn: O Lord Now Let Thy Servant Depart in Heav’nly Peace (ELLACOMBE)