Permanent Diaconal Ordinations (2024)
Greetings All—
I know this is late in coming, but here are practice track resources for tomorrow. Let’s warmup at 8:45. It will be a whirlwind warmup, but that should be sufficient. Here’s the bullet point rundown:
Processional Hymn: [Magnificat] My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord to AGINCOURT (see below for MP3 demo)
Confiteor + Kyrie from Missa De Angelis (with jubilus)
Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd…” BILINGUAL (“El Señor es mi pastor…”)
NB: the demo featured below is totally in english. However at Mass, we will sing the refrains after verses 2&4 in spanish. Good news is, the music is nearly identical.
Litany of Supplication (Saints)
Antiphon for the Handing On of the Book of the Gospels: “Blessed are they…” arr. JJR
Antiphon chanted during the ‘Fraternal Kiss’ : “Whoever serves Me, says the Lord…” #212 from Ordination of a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon.
Offertory Hymn: Lord, Pour Thy Spirit from on High! To VENI CREATOR
Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Missa XVIII (simple gregorian, in LATIN)
Mysterium Fidei: ICEL / Missal version, in Latin.
Communion Antiphon: “The Son of Man did not come to be served…” arr. JJR.
Communion Hymn: Laudate Dominum (English hymn with Latin refrain) by JJR
Recessional Hymn: Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim, to Parry’s LAUDATE DOMINUM.
The refrain will be sung in SPANISH two times: after verses 2 & 4. The easy rule is this: if I cantor the verse in spanish, then sing the refrain in the same language.
Our Offertory hymn will be in english, but sung to this melody.