27th Sunday in OT
Musical ordo for the 23rdd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Goshen IN.
Ordinary: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Michæl Olbash •••AND••• Missa Tribus Vocibus by Christoph Dalitz.
Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1548
Dalitz Kyrie
GRADUAL: Domine Refugium [Dominican, altered]
Alleluia Qui Timent Dominum (we will sing this for the next few weeks)
Offertory Motet: If Ye Love Me (Tallis) ***NB: we will sing up to the first ending and then REPEAT DA CAPO (to the beginning) before singing the second page as normal.
Dalitz Agnus Dei
Communion Chant: In Salutari Tuo
No communion motet today.
Communion Hymn: Anima Christi by Marco Frisina
Recessional: Salve Regina
Lastly: So begins the month of October, so don’t forget we must warmup down in the Youth Room in the church basement.
See you Sunday morning at 10:25!
25th Sunday in OT
Musical ordo for the 23rdd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Goshen IN.
Ordinary: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Michæl Olbash
Entrance Antiphon Hymn (Tune: Nettleton) followed immediately by Fr. Weber1505. (Cantor begins verse, men respond after the asterisk.)
Psalm 54 “The Lord upholds my life.” (Based on the Alleluia for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, as shown in the Gregorian Missal.)
Alleluia Sancte Jacobe — Make sure you’re looking at the new version with the simpler verse harmonization! (Not show in the video)
Offertory Antiphon Hymn: Though I Should Walk Through Bitter Strife (hymn tune: Tallis’ Third Mode Melody, see below ).
Communion Chant: Fr. Weber #1519
No communion motet today.
Communion Hymn: Thy Faithful Servant, Lord, Doth Yearn (melody: St. Flavian; NB: this harmony is slightly different than the one we will sing.)
Recessional: Salve Regina
See you Sunday morning at 10:25!