Trinity (B • 2024)
Hi Friends,
Here’s the plan for this weekend. We are going to be short a few members… so, sing your hearts out, please!
Entrance Hymn: Holy Holy Holy (NICÆA)
Entrance Antiphon: Source & Summit, Simple
“Psalm” • Canticle of Daniel
Festal Alleluia
Offertory Antiphon: Lumen Christi Gradual
Offertory Hymn: All Hail Adored Trinity (OLD 100TH)
Communion Antiphon: Simple English Propers
Motet: I’ll Bless the Lord (Telemann /
Communion Hymn: Athanasian Creed (Quiqumque Vult) to the anglican chant tone styled after James O’Donnell.
Recessional Hymn: Blest Trinity! from Mortal Sight (WINCHESTER NEW)