Advent II (C • 2024)
Greetings all—
Here’s our ordo for Advent II.
Thanks to everyone who made it out for rehearsal on Wednesday. I know it was a white knuckle drive home, but we still had a great rehearsal. I truly appreciate all your hard work and commitment!
And I do apologize that this week’s resource list subtly different from normal. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with my website provider, and the plugins which normally embed certain items in the list are not working so I’ve had to add a few things differently than normal.
Ordinary: Missa XVII (click here for comprehensive practice tracks / videos)
Entrance [Antiphon] Hymn: On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry to WINCHESTER NEW
Entrance Antiphon: “O people of Sion, behold, the Lord will come to save the nations!” (adapt. JJR)
Psalm: 126 “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.”
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia ‘Regem Venturum’ (Major)
Offertory Antiphon: “You will turn to us, O God, and restore our life, and Your people shall rejoice in You.” (Source & Summit)
Offertory Hymn: Hark! a Thrilling Voice is Sounding, to the tune MERTON
Communion Antiphon: “Jerusalem, arise and stand upon the heights…” (Fr. Weber #40)
Communion Motet: Rorate Cæli Desuper (arr. Richardson)
Communion Hymn: Wake, Awake! for Night is Flying to WACHET AUF
Recessional Hymn: The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns to MORNING SONG
Entrance Antiphon Hymn: On Jordan's Bank
NB: this demo is not my finest… this was before I really perfected the art, so the verses are a bit rough, rhythmically. I apologize. This is also one of the videos where each part is time-stamped in the description, rather than having it’s own video.
Offertory Hymn: Hark a Thrilling Voice is Sounding
Communion Motet:
Communion Hymn:
Recessional Hymn:
Look Ahead Resources:
Advent I (C • 2024)
Greetings all—
Here’s our ordo for Advent I. See you tomorrow, and remember to give yourself a little extra time to get to church.
Ordinary: Missa XVII (click here for comprehensive practice tracks / videos)
Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune of PUER NOBIS NASCITUR
Entrance Antiphon: “To You I lift up my soul…” (Source & Summit)
Psalm: 25 “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.”
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia ‘Regem Venturum’ (Major)
Offertory Antiphon: “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.” (Source & Summit)
Offertory Hymn: Savior of the Nations, Come to the tune NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILAND
Communion Antiphon: “The Lord will bestow His bounty…” (Fr. Weber 17)
Communion Anthem: O Come, Emmanuel (Richardson)
Communion Hymn: Creator of the Stars of Night to CREATOR ALME SIDERUM
Recessional Hymn: O Come Divine Messiah to VENEZ DIVIN MESSIE
Offertory Hymn:
A brief word on the demo of the Communion Anthem: unlike my typical practice tracks, this one is purely computer-generated and is therefore of a lower quality. That said, it is not unpleasant and it is still sufficient to serve as an aid to mastery. This video is marked as “unlisted” meaning you cannot search for, or view it, without already having the link. I have embedded it here, but you will not be able to just search for this title on YouTube and find it in the usual fashion.
Communion Hymn:
Christ the King (2024)
Greetings All—
Here’s our ordo and our practice track resources for the Solemnity of Christ the King.
PS—do be sure to thank Carol the next time you grab a bottle of water. She kindly donates those cases of water.
PPS—please consider bringing a tissue box (or two) for the loft this weekend. It’s now “that time of year” and I suspect we will be going through them faster than not. It would be nice if we had a ready-to-hand set of spares for when we run out mid-Mass. (Thanks!)
Prelude: Choral Fanfare for Christ the King
Entrance Hymn: Crown Him with Many Crowns (V4 = antiphon trope)
Entrance Antiphon: Dignus est, Latin, JJR
Ordinary: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Olbash*
NB: The Gloria will be from the Missa Simplex by Proulx (see worship aid)
Psalm: 93, “The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty.”
Gospel Acclamation: Gospel Acclamation for the Feast of Christ the King
Offertory Hymn: Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending (HELMSLEY)
Offertory Antiphon: Latin, JJR, time permitting
Communion Antiphon: Sedebit Dominus, Men–TBD
Communion Chant: Laudes Regiæ
Recessional Hymn: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT)
Alright Gents—
Since we seemed to have a little difficulty pulling this together at rehearsal, I’ve made a “repeat after me” practice track which breaks the chant down into smaller chunks. I sing it once, then gently play the organ to guide you as you repeat it back. Below this video is a normal recording as well.
If we can pull this together Sunday morning, we will sing it as a group, if not, I or another cantor will chant it solo.
33rd in OT (B • 2024)
Hi Friends—
Here is our ordo for this weekend. After this Sunday’s resources, are some “look ahead” things for Christ the King as well.
Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune NETTLETON.
Entrance Antiphon: S&S (simple)
Psalm 16, “You are my inheritance, O Lord.”
Alleluia ‘cum Magnificat’
Offertory Antiphon: De Profundis (responsorial adaptation from the Graduale Simplex)
Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber (option i)
Communion Hymn / Motet combo: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence to the tune PICARDY (as arranged by Gustav Holst)
Recessional Hymn: Dies Iræ to the tune JUDGMENT DAY
A note regarding the De Profundis practice track: this track was made for a different (smaller) collection of verses. The current version that we are singing has more & longer verses, so the video does not match the current version 1:1. That said, the refrain and the overall formula of the verses is still the same, so it is still a useful resource.
NB: there is a slight discrepancy with this recording, because in our arrangement I added an extra verse. So if you listen and follow along, that is why.
32nd in OT (B • 2024)
Hi Friends—
Here is our ordo for this weekend.
Please be advised that today a choir member contacted me to let me know they tested positive for the Covid 19. I leave it all to you how you handle the (presumed) exposure from Wednesday’s rehearsal. At this point, I feel comfortable assuming that everyone has either had it or has inoculated themselves appropriately, therefore no action will be taken corporately at this time. (For my part, I essentially consider it “Influenza C”. At a bare minimum, watch yourself for symptoms.
Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune SOUTHWELL.
Entrance Antiphon: S&S (simple)
Psalm 146
Alleluia ‘cum Magnificat’
Offertory Antiphon: S&S (simple)
Offertory Hymn to the tune LEONI
Communion Antiphon: S&S (simple)
Communion Motet: I’ll bless the Lord arr. Telemann / Morber
Communion Hymn: My God and is Thy Table Spread? to the tune CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
Recessional Hymn: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus to the tune NETTLETON
Advent Resource Guide (2024)
Click here to access the practice resources for the Advent 2024 booklet, handily collated into one place.
Greetings All—
Here is a list of resources for those of you who wish to work ahead in the Advent 2024 booklet.
Please be aware that certain videos actually link to full playlists—you can tell when there is a little symbol with three lines in the upper right corner:
whereas other practice tracks contain all of the voice parts within the same video, and you can jump ahead to your specific voice part by clicking on the timestamp in the video description.
Christ the King
(Not Advent, but in the booklet)
Advent Alleluias
Advent III Only:
Advent I
Advent II
Advent III
NB: the version of the psalm that we are singing is a revised version from that which is featured in the original practice video, so there will be slight discrepancies. This video is time-stamped with all voice parts.
Advent IV
Live performance:
Practice Track:
NB: we will take the Ave Maria a little faster than this, however this is a good practice track since it flows nice and slowly.