Free Score: Anima Christi
Last year, a dear friend of mine pointed me to the fantastic Fundacja Dominikanski Osrodek Liturgiczny (The Osrodek Dominican Liturgical Foundation) and some of the beautiful music they have published. Notably, they have produced a lovely recording of sacred music (Soul of Christ) in English, and have offered the scores for free.
I found myself particularly enamored with their setting of the Anima Christi— it is pensive, hymn-like setting of the text in English. While the original version of the score is available on the FDOL website, I decided to make my own edition where each phrase was fully written out, so it would be simpler to read, since each line of text is ever-so-slightly slightly different: (I also made a few minor tweaks.)
Original version which has dotted slurs which can be confusing to neophyte singers.
New ServiamScores edition which is fully-written out and includes measure numbers on every measure for easy orientation during rehearsal.
I’ve made a comprehensive suite of practice tracks which are available here. You can download the ServiamScores edition featured in these practice tracks by clicking on the image below the video.
A most special thanks belongs to the FDOL for providing this sublime music free to all! Now go make beautiful, holy music with your choirs!