11th in Ordinary Time (A • 2023)

Greetings all, here is the rundown for this weekend. Before we start:

  • For those of you who could benefit, I made instrumental renders of each voice part for our two SATB choral works this week; scroll all the way to the bottom for those.

  • This list is a big’un, so it may take a while to load on a phone.

  • Also, there will be a few notes in interspersed for the Saturday cantor, alongside information for the choir.

  1. [St. Michæl the Archangel Prayer]

  2. Entrance Hymn: Entrance Antiphon Trope to the tune DETROIT

  3. Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1183

  4. Kyrie: ‘Kyrie de Angelis’

  5. Mass Setting: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Michæl Olbash

  6. Psalm: 100 “We are His people: the sheep of His flock.”

  7. Gospel Acclamation: ‘Alleluia de Angelis’ (derived from the Sanctus of Mass VIII)

  8. Offertory (4:30 & 7:30): Go Forth Ye Heralds in My Name to the tune WINCHESTER NEW (a.k.a. “On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry”)

  9. Offertory (11am): Choral Anthem: Go Forth Ye Heralds in My Name to the tune JERUSALEM. (audio-only PT below!)

  10. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1200

  11. Communion Motet: Peace I Leave with You by Amy Beach

  12. Communion Hymn: Be Thou My Vision to the tune SLANE

  13. (11am only)—Special sendoff for Fr. Logan: The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Lutkin

  14. Marian Antiphon: Salve Regina

Here is a recording of the actual organ part played into our organ, with my voice overdubbed, so you can practice confidently with this track, knowing that this is exactly how it will go.


23rd in OT (A • 2023)


Trinity (A • 2023)