Trinity (A • 2023)

Hi Friends,
Here’s the plan for this weekend. We are going to be short a few members… so, sing your hearts out, please!

  • Entrance Hymn: Holy Holy Holy (NICÆA)

  • Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1729

  • Kyrie ‘de Angelis’. [then Proulx’s Community Mass]

  • “Psalm” Canticle of Daniel

  • Festal Alleluia

  • Offertory Hymn: All Hail Adored Trinity (OLD 100TH)

  • [Mysterium Fidei in Latin]

  • Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1742
    *James will chant the refrain; Men sing the first half of each verse, Women take over at the asterisks.

  • Communion Hymn: Athanasian Creed (Quiqumque Vult) to the anglican chant tone styled after James O’Donnell.

  • Salve Regina

*** NB: #1729 was recorded by a colleague, and he honors the rhythm markings that we will be suppressing toward the end of the chant, so please be aware that the rhythm we will sing will be slightly different than this recording.


Looking ahead, you might want to be listening to:

(We are singing it a minor third down from this recording, in the key of F. )

The Audio-only recordings below were generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) app. With that in mind, the pronunciation is not perfect, but they are still helpful for learning your part.

Remember: we will sing it slower than this recording.


11th in Ordinary Time (A • 2023)


Pentecost (A • 2023)