Pentecost (A • 2023)
Hi Friends,
Here’s the plan for this weekend. We are going to be short a few members… so, sing your hearts out, please!
Entrance Hymn: Come, Holy Ghost to the tune of LAMBILOTTE
Entrance Antiphon: Dum Sanctificatus (special arrangement, see below)
Kyrie ‘de Angelis’
Gloria: Dalitz
Psalm 104 • “Lord, send out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.”
SEQUENCE: Veni Sancte Spiritus (after Jehan Revert)*
I have gone ahead and pre-recorded my part into the organ, so I will be with you to conduct and sing Tenor.
A note on how this will go: the organ part will always maintain our triple meter (ie-no “free” improvisations, but rather ones that keep the sense of time and introduce the theme to whatever section follows).
It’s going to rip-roar and we will have fun. Just follow my lead.
I used a metronome while I was recording to prevent any drifting of tempo; as such, it will be important that you come in right on time as I conduct you. If you don’t, you’ll be late.
Festal Alleluia
Offertory Hymn: Veni Creator Spiritus*
The Schola (or a Cantor) will sing the first verse and everyone will join in the translation starting on verse 2.
Sanctus: Proulx’s Community Mass
[Mysterium Fidei in Latin]
Agnus Dei: Dalitz
Communion Antiphon: Factus Est / Suddenly there was heard…* (see the very bottom for a recording)
First Time: JJR sings Latin, then you all repeat refrain in English
Verse 1: Men
Verse 2: Women
Verse 3: Women start, Men take over at “when the poor one called out…”
Communion Hymn: O Holy Spirit, Now Descend on Me to the tune EVENTIDE (a.k.a. Abide with Me )
[Regina Cæli] (plainchant; this will be our last time until next year!)
Looking ahead, you might want to be listening to: