Ascension (A • 2023)

Hello Friends,
Here is our ordo for Ascension:

  1. Entrance Hymn: O ye men of Galilee (Trope of the entrance antiphon text) to the tune LLANFAIR

  2. Entrance Antiphon: Viri Galilæi (simplified version)

  3. Psalm 47: “God mounts His throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.”

  4. Festal Alleluia

  5. Offertory Hymn: God rises up to heav’n above to the [original] tune ASCENDIT DEUS
    (see below for audio demo)

  6. Offertory Special: Ad Te Levavi, by Witt

  7. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #871

  8. Communion Hymn: Do not stand and stare in wonder to the tune THAXTED

  9. Regina Cæli (Lotti)


Pentecost (A • 2023)


Easter VI (A • 2023)