Ash Wednesday 2023

Greetings all—

As a reminder, mass will be in English at 5:30pm. I know that this is an awkward time; just get there when you can, and we will do the best we can. I will be in the loft by 5pm to warmup with those who are able to come ahead of time.

I also hope to do some minimal prep for the following Sunday (Lent I) after Mass, in the youth room with those who can stick around a few extra minutes. As usual, this will be a very minimal affair.

  • Entrance Antiphon: Fr. Weber (transcription into modern notation)
    NB: I’m including the old (not so nice) video from two years ago that has the modern-note notation as well as a nicer video that actually has the square notes and is a much better recording.

  • Psalm: 51 “Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.”

  • Gospel Acclamation: “Marvelous and great are Your works, O Lord!” This is new this year, and is based on the offertory chant for Lent IV, Oportet te, fili gaudere “You should rejoice, my son…” (which seems a rather fitting genesis, considering the text of the acclamation’s refrain). SATB video embedded below. Here’s a link to the playlist where each voice part has its own video.

  • Distribution of Ashes: Fr. Weber Antiphons (transcribed to modern notation)
    (I will cantor the second one, so you can ignore it in the video. Also, I apologize for the quality which isn’t so great… this was when I was first getting started… and I didn’t revisit this in time to re-record it for this year.)
    (Men sing odd / Women even verses.)

  • Distribution of Ashes Special: Miserere Mei by Lotti if we have critical mass. (no pun intended)

  • Offertory Hymn: Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days

  • Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #357

  • Communion Motet: Exaltabo Te
    * To be able to sing this well, you will all need to practice it from home at least once.

    I am working on generating new PT’s for this piece which have all the notes in the proper octaves via a special service which does this with AI. I’ll post them here once I have them.

  • Communion Hymn: Parce Domine

We will be singing Mass XVIII (what we sing at daily Mass), but I have the scores in the worship aid and you should know it by heart anyway. Previewed below is last year’s worship aid. I haven’t quite finished my edits for this year, but it will almost be identical, save the gospel acclamation and the entrance hymn having music, rather than text blocks (but this applies to the morning Mass only).


Palm Sunday 2023


7th in OT (A • 2023)