Easter 2 (Divine Mercy)

Hello Friends,

I hope you enjoyed having this past Wednesday off! You’ve most certainly deserved it! The feedback that I have received has been singularly praiseworthy of all of your efforts. People took notice of the ‘joyful noise’ that we made!

A quick note before I forget: this coming Wednesday we will resume rehearsal, however we will start late at 7:30. The school’s spring concert is at 6pm and I am supposed to accompany the children for some of their songs (and of course I’d like to see my own son sing too!).

As for tomorrow, here is our lineup:

Introit: Fr. Weber #706

Entrance Hymn: Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune: O Filii et Filiæ (‘O sons & daughters let us sing’)

Psalm 118: This is a psalm that we sang last year, so hopefully it will come right back to us. Here’s an organ only audio track and a PDF of the score:

Gospel Acclamation: Same as we sang Easter Morning

• 4:30pm / 7:30am:
Offertory Antiphon Hymn to the tune of Azmon
•. 11am: With a Voice of Singing

Community Mass

Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #726

Communion Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Again to the tune: Christ ist Erstanden*
This hymn is probably not as familiar to you, but it’s a good one and we should know it. Have a listen before tomorrow. It is #442 in the hymnals.

Solemn Dismissal (in English)

Recessional Hymn: Christ the Lord is Ris’n Today to the tune Llanfair


Easter 4 (2022)


Master list of 2022 Triduum Resources