Master list of 2022 Triduum Resources
As promised, here are the practice tracks that I currently have available. Some are polished, some are not (and for these latter I do apologize they aren’t quite up to snuff, but they are better than nothing!). Don’t forget that most of the YT vids have timestamps for individual voice parts in the description.
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
same notes, just different verses at the vigil.
This is the REFRAIN that we will be doing after each baptism as well as Easter Morning. You can ignore the verse which is for confirmation.
There ARE timestamps where the organ solos out parts if you need them.
This is one thing I forgot to rehearse with you on Wednesday, however we have sung it previously. Have a listen, and if we can all do it, great, if not, I’ll carry the refrain and have you all chant the verses.
Easter Morning
Here is a nice sung version that is slowed down relative to our tempo. This is a good one to listen to to hear your notes.
Lastly, here’s a recording of our Easter II anthem so you can listen to it occasionally to get it in your ear. I’m very much looking forward to this!