Easter Vigil 2023
[Fr. Logan Sings: Bilingual Exultet]
*There is still some question as to whether or not my settings Psalms in Spanish will be used, or whether the Hispanic cantors will sing other editions. I’m including the links to my Spanish psalms here so those who are interested in attempting to sing the refrains may familiarize themselves with them.15: Protegeme, Dios Mio…
[Lit.: Protect me, O Lord, because I have placed my trust in You.]Exodus 15: Let us sing to the Lord…
(*see below for organ demo)29: Te alabare, Senor, eternamente.
[Lit.: I will praise You, Lord, for all eternity.]18: Tu tienes, Senor, palabras de vida eterna.
[Lord, you have the words of eternal life.]42: Like a deer that longs for running streams…
(*see below for organ demo)
Gloria: Misa San Vincente (with Organ, after long improvisation while the bells are rung)
Solemn Easter Vigil Alleluia
Sequence: Priest, all respond. Priest, all respond. Priest, all respond. Cantor sings verse, schola joins at “forever” and then ‘Alleluia’ is repeated one final time.Litany of Saints (in Latin, but according to the updated form)
After each baptism: Eastertide Alleluia (Refrain only)
(*see below for organ demos)Sanctus (Community Mass)
Agnus Dei from Dalitz’s Missa Tribus Vocibus
Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #698 (it is the same Easter Morning)
Extra Music:
Cantate Domino by Pitoni
(Note how this performance is more subdued; if we get to sing this at communion [we are alternating with the Hispanic Choir] then I would like to sing it with some restraint, as demonstrated here.)Regina Caeli by Lotti (Organ demo with time stamps & Live Performance)