Epiphany (C • 2025)

Greetings all—
Again, I must thank you all for the tremendous amount of effort you put in to Advent and Christmas Eve. It was splendid, and I am so terribly grateful for all your hard work and dedication! Hopefully you all enjoyed new year’s day, and are feeling reading to get back to some semblance of normalcy. (I know I am!)

Here is our ordo for Epiphany; we will keep things on the simpler side this year since so many things occurred in such rapid succession and we did not have rehearsal on Wednesday.

  1. Saint Michæl the Archangel Prayer

  2. Processional Hymn: Angels from the Realms of Glory (REGENT SQUARE)

  3. Kyrie from Missa de Angelis (Link)

  4. Gloria from Proulx’s Missa Simplex

  5. Psalm 72: Lord, Every Nation on Earth will Adore You! (Playlist)

  6. Gospel Acclamation: Christmastide Alleluia (Same one since Midnight Mass)

  7. Offertory Antiphon: All the kings of the earth shall adore Him… (Source & Summit, recording below)

  8. Offertory Hymn: As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX)

  9. Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Proulx’s Community Mass

  10. Communion Antiphon: “We have seen His star in the east…” (Fr. Weber #295)

  11. Communion Special: We Three Kings of Orient Are (KINGS OF ORIENT)

    *There are 1 verse demos of ATB vocal parts to the traditional harmonization below.

  12. Communion Hymn: What Child is This (GREENSLEEVES)

  13. Recessional Hymn: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (SALZBURG)

A quick note on the Psalm: this is written with an oriental flair, and features copious parallel intervals which only work well when each part is sung with a certain vigor. Please make sure you are comfortable with your parts, and don’t be afraid to lean in during the deliberate moments where there are crunchy chords.

There are full videos for each voice part.



Choir Only:


Recessional Hymn:


Baptism of the Lord (C • 2025)


Holy Family (C • 2024)