Holy Family (C • 2024)
Greetings all—
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK and for the wonderful job you did at Midnight Mass. It was truly lovely, and Bishop was very happy. Well done!
We are going to K.I.S.S. this weekend (“keep it simple, stupid” — or perhaps more politely, “keep it stupidly simple”). The only real thing you’ll need to look at is the Psalm. The ambitious among you can look at Fr. Weber 203 as well.
NB: I have pitched the psalm up a bit; the practice tracks are still note-accurate, it will just be a third higher to better suit our vocal ranges.
Hymns are easy things you will be able to sing, and I’ll just have you melody only, and we will sing Gaudete, Christus est Natus as our special piece, and perhaps the St. Michæl prayer as well. We need to get back to that.