Lent III (C • 2025)

Greetings all—

Before we get started: could those of you who are able to attend Chrism Mass (Tuesday, April 15, 2pm), please use the signup form on this page to let me know you’re coming? I know not all of you can make it, although I certainly hope many of you will! All the requisite PT’s are there and ready to go. But it will help me keep track of everything if you can let me know via the form that you’ll be there; then I’ll have your data in the same place and in the same format as everyone else’s. Thanks!

Here is our ordo for this weekend:

  • Entrance Antiphon: Source & Summit (mp3 below)

  • Missa XVII (a full suite of practice tracks are available here or on the Cathedral website here)

  • Psalm 103: The Lord is kind and merciful. (Playlist)

    NB: the practice track has a different set of verses, but the music is the same.

  • Gospel Acclamation: Salvation, glory, and power… (Demo)

  • Offertory Antiphon: Fr. Weber; James will chant.

  • Offertory Antiphon Hymn: The precepts of the Lord are Right to THIRD MODE MELODY

  • Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #439 (mp3 below)

  • Communion Hymn 1: The Lord of Earth and Sky (Parable of the fig tree) to the tune LOVE UNKNOWN

  • Communion Hymn 2: My Jesus, As Thou Wilt to the tune PASSION CHORALE

  • Recessional Hymn: extracted verses from The Seven Dolors of Our Lady (starts, “O Thou Who hangèst on the Tree”) to the tune ERHALT UNS HERR

Source & Summit; Verse 2 is previewed in the demo.

All voice parts linked in the video description. • This demo also lacks the preparatory “boop”.


A/T/B parts time stamped in the video description; ad-free MP3’s on the Lent 2025 resource page.

Offertory Hymn Tune:

Communion Hymn Tunes:

The OG.

Recessional Hymn Tune:

Some practice tracks: (piano booping over a recording)


Clarion Call: Chrism Mass Choir • St. Augustine Cathedral (2025)