Clarion Call: Chrism Mass Choir • St. Augustine Cathedral (2025)

Greetings all—
If you are on this page, then you are interested in (or committed to) singing at the 2025 Chrism Mass at St. Augustine’s Cathedral, Kalamazoo. Thank you, and welcome!

Please Note: The Chrism Mass will be held at 2:00pm on Tuesday, April 15th.

This is a change from what has been done in years past, and this may preclude some people from being able to attend.

If you would like to join the diocesan choir for this event, please fill out the following form to let me know you are coming.

Practice tracks are available below the form to help you prepare from home.

Attire will simply be “Sunday best”.

We will have a warmup rehearsal at 11am the day of Chrism Mass, break for lunch, and then return to sing for Mass.

If you have any questions for me, please send me an email.

I look forward to singing with you all!

Processional Hymn:
Church of God, Elect and Glorious

Sung to the tune of “Abbots Leigh”. Here is a demo of that tune:

The Entrance Antiphon will be sung after the processional hymn.

Gloria: Missa VIII (‘de Angelis’)

Note: we will sing it with more energy than this (and a faster tempo) but this is a good practice track in terms of being very clear, with each phrase is easy to hear and digest.

Psalm: 89(88) “Forever I will Sing…”

Please Note: the demo edition here features different verse text from that which is sung at the Chrism Mass, however the music is the same. (Click here to see the version with correct verse text.)

Gospel Acclamation:
“Glory and praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.”

Please learn your harmony for the refrain. The verse text chanted by the choir is different from that which is featured in the video, however the melody is the same.

You may use the MP3’s embedded below, or click on the following hyperlinks to be taken to a practice track video on YouTube for your particular voice part:

Chant during the Procession of the Oils:
O Redeemer, Hear This Anthem

If you are new to chanting, do not fear! We will be singing in English, and I will support you with a gentle organ accompaniment. Do listen to this a few different times to really get a feel for the flow of the chant. In particular, note the groupings of twos and threes.

Offertory Motet:
Anima Christi • Dominican Liturgical Center



Here is the official recording of this work. Please note that the edition we will sing has a few minor modifications.


Please Note: The first “Sanctus” and “Agnus Dei” will be intoned by the cantor alone, with all joining in after the asterisk (just like in the recordings). This is known as an “incipit” and is a exceedingly ancient practice.

Communion Antiphon

Verses will be chanted antiphonally between men and women. You sing each reciting tone and only apply the formula once the font changes.

There are additional verses, not shown in this preview image.

Communion Motet: If Ye Love Me • Tallis

Everyone’s favorite… and you likely have all sung it before!

You can find individual voice practice tracks below. (Score)

Communion Hymn:
I Dwell a Captive of This Heart

To the tune of Thomas Tallis’s “Third Mode Melody”. (Score) Here is a lovely rendition of this famous tune, however we will be singing a different text from that which is featured in the recording.

And here is an organ-only version of Mr. Richardson playing so you can get a feel for exactly what our flow will be. Note the difference between the phrases that end on three beats, verses those that only have two and a lift (tick mark).

Saint Michæl the Archangel Prayer

I hope that you will come to love this one just as much as we do! Here’s a thrilling way to sing the St. Michæl prayer that is sure to bring a smile to your face as it does to ours. (Score)

The key to singing this prayer is to use natural, speech rhythm. Please listen to the recordings once or twice over to really get a feel for the flow, since not every rhythm is notated.

You may use the MP3’s embedded below, or click on the following hyperlinks to be taken to a practice track video on YouTube for your particular voice part. (Sopranos, I did my best!)

Recessional Hymn:
Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim!

Sung to the tune of “Laudate Dominum” by Parry. Here is a demo of that tune:


Lent III (C • 2025)


Lent II (C • 2025)