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8th in OT (C • 2025)

Greetings all—
Here are the practice resources for Sunday. I will make a separate page for Ash Wednesday this coming Monday. In the meantime, I’ve also created a dedicated page that just has generic Lenten things on it, if you want to peruse that. This will save me from having to add them every week to the bottom of each weekly ordo.

  1. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL) with V3 as a trope of the entrance antiphon text.
    (No separate antiphon this week for timing reasons.)

  2. Psalm 92: Lord, it is good to give thanks to You. (Demo)
    NB: Men will chant the first half of each verse, with women responding on the second half.

  3. [Alleluia]

  4. Offertory Antiphon: Source & Summit (See Below)

  5. Offertory Hymn: Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)

  6. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber 1126
    • Men sing Odd, Women sing Even verses.
    Sequence: Antiphon, Verses 1&2, Antiphon, Verses 3&4, Gloria Patri (2323), Antiphon

  7. Communion Hymn: Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior (EVENTIDE)
    *The choir will go down and receive communion immediately after chanting the communion antiphon.

  8. Communion Special: Magnificat cum Alleluia (Video, see below)

  9. Recessional Hymn: Alleluia, Song of Gladness (ALLELUIA DULCE CARMEN)

Source & Summit

Source & Summit


Offertory Hymn

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)

Greetings All—
Here is our Ordo for this weekend. As always, if you have a chance between now and Wednesday, please take a peek at the Lenten lookahead resources.

  1. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: to the tune ST. FLAVIAN

  2. Entrance Antiphon: simple psalm tone (see below)

  3. Psalm: 103, The Lord is kind and mercifil.   
    *NB: the practice track is for the previous translation of the verses, whereas the copy you have features the new Abbey Psalms & Canticles translation.

  4. Offertory Antiphon: Source & Summit (see below)

  5. Offertory Hymn: Our Lord Commands Us To Forgive to the tune DETROIT

  6. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1104 (see below)

  7. Choral Anthem: I’ll Bless The Lord • Telemann (Playlist)

  8. Communion Hymn: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go to the tune TENERE (see below)

  9. Recessional Hymn: Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem to the tune ALLELUIA DULCE CARMEN
    *NB: we will sing the exact same melody with a different text (“Alleluia, Song of Gladness”) next week.


NB: the verse translation is different from that which is featured in this video.

Please use time-stamps in the video description to hear your voice part.


Communion Hymn Tune:

Lenten Lookahead:

The Lotti Miserere track (above) is organ-only, but there are time stamps to hear your part at a louder volume. I intend to make a proper PT of this, time permitting.

Another version:

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)

Greetings All—
Happy Snowmageddon! Since we cannot have rehearsal (I swear Wednesday walks around with a target on its back…) please take a little time Wednesday evening from the comfort of your home to familiarize yourself with Sunday’s ordo.

Please —I repeat: please—take a moment to scan through some of the lenten stuff, especially the first thing which will be our Lenten Gospel Acclamation this year.

Since this is a bit of an exceptional circumstance, and I’ve now figured out how to record myself and the organ in a pleasing way, I’ve prepared a quick “mini rehearsal” for you. This is just a quick whirlwind run-through of the ordo for Sunday, as well as a quick word about the Lenten Gospel acclamation.

  1. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: to the tune VIVIFICA ME (melody only, see below)

  2. Entrance Antiphon: Source & Summit (see below)

  3. Psalm: 1, Blessèd are they who hope in the Lord.   (Playlist, add-free mp3’s below)

  4. Offertory Antiphon: Source & Summit (see below)

  5. Offertory Hymn: Be Thou My Vision to the tune SLANE

  6. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1038 (see below)

  7. Choral Anthem: The Beatitudes (After O’Donnell; see below)

  8. Communion Hymn: Blest Are the Humble Souls Who See to the tune O WALY WALY (melody only)

  9. Recessional Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almight, the King of Creation! to the tune LOBE DEN HERREN


Entrance Antiphon Hymn Melody:


Please Note: the practice track of the introit is from last year and the verse formula is different.


Choral Anthem: The Beatitudes (after O’Donnell’s Psalm 139)
*NB: this is the same chordal formula as Quicumque vult / Athanasian Creed.


Lenten Lookahead:

The Lotti Miserere track (above) is organ-only, but there are time stamps to hear your part at a louder volume. I intend to make a proper PT of this, time permitting.

Another version:

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)

Greetings All—
We had a rather spartan rehearsal, so I’m counting on those of you who were unable to make it to come prepared this Sunday. Thank you in advance! Here’s our ordo:

  1. Entrance Hymn: Jesus called the rugged fishers to the tune HOLY MANNA
       *NB: No entrance antiphon this week

  2. Psalm: 138, In the sight of the angels, I will sing Your praises, Lord.   (Video – see timestamps for voice parts; mp3’s also below)

  3. Offertory Antiphon: “Keep my footsteps firmly in Your paths…” (see below)
       *NB: I will take care of the verse; choir sings the antiphon only

  4. Offertory Hymn: I hear the words that Jesus Spake to the tune ST. PETER

  5. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1059 (see below)
       *NB: we will sing from printed handouts which feature rhythmic modifications from the original to help it flow better. V3 Men, V4 Women

  6. Choral Anthem: More Love to Thee, O Christ (Live RecordingJJR Demo)
      *In addition to the two YouTube videos, A/T/B mp3’s of just Verse 3 are available below.

  7. Communion Hymn: Ye Holy Angels Bright to the tune LOVE UNKNOWN

  8. Recessional Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy! to the tune NICÆA


NB: the rhythms displayed in this image have been slightly altered from their original form to suit a more pleasing interpretation.

Lenten Lookahead:

The Lotti Miserere track (above) is organ-only, but there are time stamps to hear your part at a louder volume. I intend to make a proper PT of this, time permitting.

Another version:

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas) 2025

Greetings all—

I’m very much looking forward to singing with you this weekend, for this special feast! After speaking with Fr. Creagan, we’ve decided to have the choir participate in the procession, so you will all convene downstairs by the Marian side altar preceding Mass.

Here is our ordo:

  1. [JJR makes announcement before Mass about how the procession works.]

  2. Opening Procession:

    1. JJR chants “Behold our Lord will come…” while candles are being dispersed and lit. (You are encouraged, of course, to grab a candle.)

    2. The Priest blesses candles and afterwards chants “Let us go forth in peace.” to which all respond “In the name of Christ, Amen.”

    3. Procession begins down Marian side aisle and back up the center aisle. Choir leads the chanting of “Lumen ad revelationem…” with men chanting the verses in schola. **Men remain in place at the back of the center aisle to continue uninterrupted the chanting while the rest of the procession continues. (ie-Do not stop singing to go up the back steps.)

    4. Lumen ad revelationem… stops the moment the priest crosses the threshold where the communion rail should be. At this point, JJR chants “Your merciful love…” (the Introit) and remaining schola members ascend to the loft.

  3. Gloria begins immediately after the introit concludes. There is no penitential act (Lord, have mercy… etc.) since the opening rites supersede it.

  4. Psalm 24, “Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord.” (playlist)

  5. Alleluia IV

  6. Offertory Antiphon: “Graciousness is poured out on your lips…” (see below)

  7. Offertory Hymn: In His Temple Now Behold Him (ST. THOMAS)

  8. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1853 (see below)

  9. Communion Anthem: Nunc Dimittis by Charles Wood in unison until ‘Amen’. (link)

  10. Communion Hymn: Joy! Joy! the Mother Comes (LAUDES DOMINI [Barnby] a.k.a. When Morning Gilds the Skies)

  11. Recessional Hymn: O Lord Now Let Thy Servant Depart in Heav’nly Peace (ELLACOMBE)

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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C • 2025)

  1. St. Michael the Archangel Prayer

  2. Entrance Antiphon Hymn to the tune OLD HUNDREDTH (shortened rhythm)

  3. Introit: (see below)

  4. Gloria: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Olbash

  5. Psalm: 19 “Your words, lord, are Spirit and life.”

  6. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia IV

  7. Offertory Antiphon (see below)

  8. Offertory Antiphon Hymn: to the tune ST. ANNE

  9. Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, by Olbash

  10. Communion Antiphon: Fr. Weber #1014 (option i)

  11. Communion Motet: O Sacrum Convivium by Remondi

  12. Communion Hymn: O Lord, Thou Art My God and King ** to the tune:

    • 4pm, 7:30am & 11:30am: ADORO TE DEVOTE

    • 9:30 “Choir Mass” CŒLESTIS AULE PRINCIPES (see below)
      **Choir, please revisit the recording at least once before Sunday morning to make sure you’re truly comfortable with this melody.

  13. Recessional Hymn: Hail to the Lord’s Anointed to the tune WIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN

NB: each voice part is timestamped in the description (all in one video).

MP3’s below:

We will have men sing odd verses, and women sing even, SINGING THE VERSES IN PAIRS. (ie- 1-2, Antiphon, 3-4, Antiphon, etc.)


Here is the special chant melody that the choir will sing during communion at the 9:30 Mass:


NB: we will sing this setting of the Nunc Dimittis by Charles Wood next week in unison until the final Amen. We will continue chipping away at the parts to sing it fully SATB at a later date.

Please make sure you have the melody-only score in your folder for next Sunday.

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