Psalm 16 • You are my inheritance, O Lord. (Second Version)
JJR’s simplified and updated (2024) setting of Psalm 16, “You are my inheritance, O Lord.” as based on the opening motif of Dominus pars hereditatis meæ as found in the Cistercian Antiphonale, 1554.
A comprehensive practice track repository page has been prepared with both mp3 and animated videos to help your choir learn each part.
Please note that the physical arrangement of this hymn is atypical: one reads both lines of text on the second stave before proceeding to and reading both lines of text on the third stave. Most arrangements require you to read the top line of each stave, and double back and then read the second line of each stave.
In other words:
O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup,
You it is who hold fast my lot.
I set the Lord ever before me;
with Him at my right hand, I shall not be disturbed.
JJR’s simplified and updated (2024) setting of Psalm 16, “You are my inheritance, O Lord.” as based on the opening motif of Dominus pars hereditatis meæ as found in the Cistercian Antiphonale, 1554.
A comprehensive practice track repository page has been prepared with both mp3 and animated videos to help your choir learn each part.
Please note that the physical arrangement of this hymn is atypical: one reads both lines of text on the second stave before proceeding to and reading both lines of text on the third stave. Most arrangements require you to read the top line of each stave, and double back and then read the second line of each stave.
In other words:
O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup,
You it is who hold fast my lot.
I set the Lord ever before me;
with Him at my right hand, I shall not be disturbed.
JJR’s simplified and updated (2024) setting of Psalm 16, “You are my inheritance, O Lord.” as based on the opening motif of Dominus pars hereditatis meæ as found in the Cistercian Antiphonale, 1554.
A comprehensive practice track repository page has been prepared with both mp3 and animated videos to help your choir learn each part.
Please note that the physical arrangement of this hymn is atypical: one reads both lines of text on the second stave before proceeding to and reading both lines of text on the third stave. Most arrangements require you to read the top line of each stave, and double back and then read the second line of each stave.
In other words:
O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup,
You it is who hold fast my lot.
I set the Lord ever before me;
with Him at my right hand, I shall not be disturbed.