Lenten Resources • 2025
Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of Lenten music available through this website for the 2025 calendar year.
Holy Thursday Foot Washing Antiphons
The following SAB motets are becoming fast favorites of many; beautiful yet very approachable for even modest choirs, these motets deserve serious consideration.
Mulier, ecce filius tuus…
This SAB motet sets the text, “Woman, behold Thy son; son, behold thy Mother.” from the Seven Last Words of Christ on the cross. Perfect for Holy Week, and accessible to choirs of even modest ability.
Take Up Thy Cross (and Follow Me)
ATB Motet with anglican chant verses. (Live performance available here.)
My heart expected reproach and misery… (Palm Sunday Offertory Motet)
Particularly suited to Palm Sunday (or Good Friday) this motet sets a portion of the Reproaches (Improperia) with a simple SAB motet refrain, paired to three male-cantored verses.
Parce Domine • Trad. Antiphon
Simple SATB harmonization of this well-known chant refrain, paired with chanted verses in English. Easily sun a cappella.
Parce Domine (Garau Extract) • FREE SCORE
SABar. “mini-motet” paired with harmonized chanted verses. This is a pairing of an extracted refrain from Mariano Garau’s Parce Domine II (available here on CPDL) with simplified verses in English as set by JJR.
Exaltabo Te, Domine • FREE SCORE
Easy SATB chant with harmonies reminiscent of Allegri’s Miserere. Comprehensive practice tracks, and hey—it’s free! Three versions are available:
Latin refrain with Latin verses
Latin refrain with English verses
Spanish refrain with Spanish verses
Prayer to Jesus • Richard de Castre • FREE SCORE
This edition was updated to include more traditional “King James English” than can be found in other free editions.
Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Marvelous and Great are Your works, O Lord!
Every year we offer a new Lenten Gospel acclamation, slowly cycling through all the optional texts. This is 2023’s contribution to this project. Based on the offertory antiphon for Lent IV, Oportet te, fili gaudere.
Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Salvation, Glory, and Power to the Lord, Jesus Christ!
Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!
Dele, Domine, iniquitatem meam
(FREE English transcription of the Antiphon for the distribution of Ashes)
Videns Dóminus
(Free English and Latin transcriptions of the Lent V [C] Communio with “choral expansion”)
Open, O Hard and Sinful Heart
Originally released in 2024 by Corpus Christi Watershed, this blog offers an alternate engraving that properly sets all the verses.