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Easter VI (B • 2024)

Greetings all—
Here are our practice sources for this coming Sunday. I will also be including a “lookahead” section at the bottom for anyone who wants to keep ahead of the music we are working on.

  1. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: Proclaim the News! to SINE NOMINE (a.k.a. “For all the Saints”)

  2. Introit: “Proclaim a Joyful sound…” (Source & Summit)

  3. Psalm: 98 “The Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power.”

  4. Gospel Acclamation: Eastertide Alleluia

  5. Offertory Antiphon (I): “O nations, bless the Lord our God…” (Simple English Propers)

  6. Offertory Hymn (II): If Ye Love Me to PUER NOBIS

  7. Communion Motet (as Antiphon): If Ye Love Me, Tallis

  8. Communion Hymn: Wondrous Love that Cannot Falter to IRBY

  9. Recessional Hymn: Maria, Maria! (Demo)

Don’t forget: we will slur the second and third notes at the beginning of the verses, which is slightly different than this older demo version.

(Time stamps in the description to each voice part of the coda.)

NB: this video is a demo of verse 1, with time stamps in the description which allows you to skip to your voice part.

Communion Hymn:





(Time stamps in the description to each voice part of the coda.)

Version with animated score.

Raucous recording straight from Notre Dame de Paris.

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Easter V (B • 2024) & Lookahead

Greetings all—
Here are our practice sources for this coming Sunday. I will also be including a “lookahead” section at the bottom for anyone who wants to keep ahead of the music we are working on.

  1. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: O Sing a New Song To the Lord to OLD HUNDREDTH

  2. Introit: “O Sing a New Song to the Lord.” (Source & Summit)

  3. Psalm: 22 “I will praise You, Lord, in the assembly of Your people.” (Playlist)

  4. Gospel Acclamation: Eastertide Alleluia

  5. Offertory Hymn: O Love! How Deep, How Broad, How High! to AGINCOURT HYMN (a.k.a. DEO GRATIAS)

  6. Offertory Antiphon: “Cry out with joy to God, all the earth…” (Source & Summit)

  7. Communion Antiphon: “I am the true vine, and you are the branches…” (Source & Summit)

  8. Communion Motet: Cantate Domino by Pitoni (same text as the introit!)

  9. Communion Hymn: Lord, Enthroned in Heav’nly Splendor to LAUDA ANIMA

  10. Recessional Hymn: O Glorious Saint Michæl to ELLACOMBE

Make sure this one is really comfortable; I would like to sing it a cappella since it will only be the choir (the music didn’t fit in the worship aid).

Lovely rendition, albeit slow. It’s a nice track to sing along with if you want to practice more slowly than we sing it.

This video also links to some piano practice tracks for each voice part.





For Easter VI (next week)

(Time stamps in the description to each voice part of the coda.)

(Time stamps in the description to each voice part of the coda.)

Version with animated score.

Raucous recording straight from Notre Dame de Paris.

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Easter IV (B • 2024)

Greetings all—
Here’s our rundown for the weekend:

  1. [St. Michæl the Archangel Prayer]

  2. Entrance Antiphon Hymn: The Strife is O’er (VICTORY) with V2-4 being a trope of the entrance antiphon.

  3. Entrance Antiphon “The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord…”

  4. Psalm 118: “The stone rejected by the builders…”

  5. Eastertide Alleluia

  6. Offertory Hymn: The Lamb’s High Banquet We Await (JERUSALEM)

  7. Offertory Antiphon “O God, my God, at dawn I seek You…”

  8. Communion Antiphon “I am the Good Shepherd…”

  9. Communion Motet: Regina Cæli by Lotti

  10. Communion “Hymn”: Anima Christi by Frisina

  11. Recessional Hymn: Awake, Arise, Lift Up Thy Voice (RICHMOND)

(This video is the first of the whole playlist.)

(We will sing faster than this recording.)

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Permanent Diaconal Ordinations (2024)

Greetings All—
I know this is late in coming, but here are practice track resources for tomorrow. Let’s warmup at 8:45. It will be a whirlwind warmup, but that should be sufficient. Here’s the bullet point rundown:

  1. Processional Hymn: [Magnificat] My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord to AGINCOURT (see below for MP3 demo)

  2. Confiteor + Kyrie from Missa De Angelis (with jubilus)

  3. Gloria from Proulx’s Missa Simplex

  4. Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd…” BILINGUAL (“El Señor es mi pastor…”)

    • NB: the demo featured below is totally in english. However at Mass, we will sing the refrains after verses 2&4 in spanish. Good news is, the music is nearly identical.

  5. Festival Alleluia by Chepponis

  6. Litany of Supplication (Saints)

  7. Antiphon for the Handing On of the Book of the Gospels: “Blessed are they…” arr. JJR

  8. Antiphon chanted during the ‘Fraternal Kiss’ : “Whoever serves Me, says the Lord…” #212 from Ordination of a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon.

  9. Offertory Hymn: Lord, Pour Thy Spirit from on High! To VENI CREATOR

  10. Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Missa XVIII (simple gregorian, in LATIN)

  11. Mysterium Fidei: ICEL / Missal version, in Latin.

  12. Communion Antiphon: “The Son of Man did not come to be served…” arr. JJR.

  13. Communion Hymn: Laudate Dominum (English hymn with Latin refrain) by JJR

  14. Recessional Hymn: Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim, to Parry’s LAUDATE DOMINUM.

Audio Block
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The refrain will be sung in SPANISH two times: after verses 2 & 4. The easy rule is this: if I cantor the verse in spanish, then sing the refrain in the same language.


Our Offertory hymn will be in english, but sung to this melody.

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Palm Sunday 2024

Hi Friends—
Here’s my (very late) ordo for you. I’m just going to list everything as links; this is faster and it’s easier to read, I think. Just click on whatever you need.

  1. Palm Sunday Processional Chants

  2. All Glory, Laud, and Honor (here’s our specific arrangement)

  3. [no entrance antiphon]

  4. NB: Kyrie comes immediately after All Glory, Laud, and Honor (it feels funny to transition this way)

  5. Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have You abandoned me?!”

  6. Lenten Gospel Acclamation

  7. Offertory Motet: My heart expected reproach and misery… (don’t forget, we are on version 2.0 of this motet, and there are minor tweaks to the version featured in this older practice video)

  8. Communion:

    1. JJR chants antiphon.

    2. Communion Hymn: Stricken, Smitten & Afflicted to the tune of God of Mercy and Compassion

    3. Post-Communion Meditation: O Sacred Head (Passion Chorale NB: there are links to each voice part in the video description if you want to hear your part)

  9. Recessional Hymn: The Head that Once Was Crowned by Thorns (Detroit)

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ServiamScores ServiamScores

Good Friday 2024

  1. [Entrance is silent]

  2. Psalm 31: Father into Your hands, I commend my spirit.
    Make sure you’re really comfortable with this one because I would like to sing it a cappella!

  3. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (again, a cappella, the theme of this whole liturgy)

  4. Veneration of the Cross:

    1. JJR sings Fr. Weber #647

    2. The Reproaches (simple setting, JJR after the Lalemant Propers); JJR & MT alternate verses in Part II.

    3. Crux Fidelis / Faithful Cross (Picardy)

  5. Communion:

    1. Psalm 22 with chanted verses.

    2. Stabat Mater (“At the Cross, Her Station Keeping”)

    3. Communion Motet: Mulier, Mulier, ecce filius Tuus (JJR, MT, EE)

  6. [Depart in silence]


Crux Fidelis / Faithful Cross melody.


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